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2012 Printing/Postage Allotment
Your printing and postage allotment must be used by Sine Die in an election year. However, you should also take into consideration the time needed to print pieces before that date. In order to use your printing allotment for this year, your piece must be submitted to...
Services for the Season
Republican legislators & candidates: Welcome to the spring break and likely the last break you’ll have before August! I want to call your attention to a few opportunities to make your life (and upcoming “season”) easier: Photo sessions available Votesharp Phase II...

Yard Sign Yahtzee
Have you looked at how much yard signs cost? They’re about $7 each, unless you order a few hundred, then they’re only $3.50. Gee, what a deal!* The standard yard sign is the Gill #192. It’s 26” wide by 16” tall, sealed on three sides and comes with a steel wire shaped...

How a Bill Becomes a Law in Kansas
As we move into the legislating of the legislative session, I offer this resource. After viewing the flowcharts that existed for "How a Bill Becomes a Law" both in Kansas and elsewhere, I wasn't happy with the user-friendliness of the options. So here's my version!...
Johnson County’s New Political Leaders
Thanks to the Kansas City Star for including me in their list of the new political leadership in Johnson County. I firmly believe that engaging the next generation of both leaders and voters will ensure the continued economic success as a region and a state. Check out...
There’s No Crying in Baseball!
A little fun to wrap up 2011: “There’s no crying in baseball.” – Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own (1992)… There’s a political parallel to this well-known mantra… There’s no vacation in campaigning! You know when the election is. You’ve known for a year or more. And...
The Great Online Debate
When you decide to run for office, or you’ve been elected for a while and are considering jumping online, the options can be overwhelming. Do you start a Facebook Page? Figure out how to buy URLs, find a designer and start a website? Launch a Twitter site? No. Yes....
Building connections is so personally and professionally important to me that I founded my business on them. Throughout my life, my connections with others have deeply impacted the person I have become. I can trace every major life change, from my college selection,...
State Printing & Postage Allotment
During non-election years, your state constituent communications allotment is to be used by December 31. During my first session in 2003, I had already started The Sharp Record and was having success in communicating with constituents via email. Because using...
Cool Features Tutorial
I hope you are viewing this video as Part Deux of the VoteSharp™ tutorials. It is important to understand the basics of the program – the types of data you can maintain and how to manipulate it – to fully comprehend the possibilities of the VoteSharp™ app. This...